Honor Code and Conduct Regulations

Enrollment at South College constitutes full acceptance of the South College Honor Code and the Student Conduct Standards and Regulations. All students receive a copy of the Student Handbook that contains this information, the disciplinary procedures, and the appeals process. Instructors are not expected to jeopardize the progress of a class by permitting the continued presence of any student whose behavior could adversely affect the class. Inappropriate behavior includes but is not limited to cheating, disruptive behavior, plagiarism, and any other actions which are not considered proper conduct for a college student.

The Conduct Standards and Regulations also cover inappropriate actions of students on campus while not in the classroom or while participating in college-sponsored activities off campus. Alleged violations will be reported as described in the Disciplinary Procedures section of the Student Handbook.

South College reserves the right to dismiss at any time a student who in the administration’s judgement is undesirable and whose continued enrollment is detrimental to fellow students or whose presence is disruptive to the learning environment or the orderly operation of the college.

A dress code, describing appropriate attire for South College students, is a part of the Conduct Standards and Regulations. Students may be asked to leave class because of inappropriate attire. They will not be permitted to return unless they return properly dressed.

Student Handbook

Computer Code of Ethics 2023
